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Location: Singapore

A veterinary surgeon at and founder of a licensed housing agency for expatriate rentals and sales at

Saturday, November 18, 2006

1. Introduction

The newly purchased puppy pees and poops all over the apartment or house. He pees a lot of times. He poops more than 5 times a day. The maid and the owners scold and spank the puppy on on the face or backside. The puppy has an eye injury or becomes lame. Your more intelligent children feel that you abuse animals.

More beatings. The puppy waits to eliminate when you are not around. The puppy sprints away to hide under the bed whenever he sees your hand being raised and your black stormy face when you go home after a hard day's work from 7 am to 8 pm. Your residence is smelly as the growing pup passes larger amounts of pee and poo.

You hand over the puppy to the animal shelter. He is returned to the animal shelter as he messes up the new home. No more third chances. The vet gives a lethal injection. A young life is extinguished. Your children lose a best friend. They grieve. But do you care? What if there is an instruction manual on how to toilet train the puppy for your maid? Your maid is the main care-giver. She needs that manual.

Singapore Maids and Puppies - Dr Sing's Toilet Training Secrets is the instruction manual based on Singapore's situation. The secrets of successful toilet training the puppy and the failures on real life cases are there. It is based on 3 years of interviews with new puppy owners at my veterinary surgery from 2003 - 2006, breeders and pet shop operators to provide a comprehensive information on how to toilet train the puppy in Singapore.

I am Dr Sing Kong Yuen, a veterinary surgeon and founder of Toa Payoh Vets, a small animal private practice in Singapore. This first edition will be useful for your maid. Every puppy is unique. If you have special problems, e-mail to me at and I try to provide some answers for your maid, time-pressed Singaporeans and first-time puppy owners.


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