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A veterinary surgeon at and founder of a licensed housing agency for expatriate rentals and sales at

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

21. Shih Tzu on the PPW

Shih Tzu, Male, Tricolour, 4 months

Daytime: Playpen in living room.
PPW on right upper corner. Water bottle on left lower corner. Feed bowl removed after eating.
Night-time sleep in bedroom.

Feed: 9am, 2pm, 7pm.
Poops at least 4 x: 6 hours after eating. Also between 12 midnight to 3 am.
Does not eat all food at once in 5-10 min if milk is given to soften the food. This explains why he poops so many times. Continuous eating.

Day 1: Pee outside the PPW. Soak newspapers with urine and bring him to smell it.


Night-time. PPW inside the bedroom. Whines to wake up owner after midnight to change or clear stools.

Daytime. Does not whine inside the playpen.

Day 7: Freedom to roam the whole apartment.

Likes to eat stools. Use newspapers to smack the floor to frighten him. But no use. Clear away stools quickly.

Hiccups 30 seconds daily.
Too much gas in the stomach due to milk intolerance?
Dilute milk to 1/10th + canned food + water --- may help.


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