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A veterinary surgeon at and founder of a licensed housing agency for expatriate rentals and sales at

Monday, January 01, 2007

46. The "stubborn" Corgi pees and poops off the newspaper

January 1, 2007.

Peeing or pooping off the targeted newspaper is a common complaint during my survey of over 400 puppies. Why does the puppy do it? If only they can talk.

As far as humans are concerned, the misbehaved puppy is "stubborn" as in this case. "Vengeful, Purposedly did it..."

The young man with two ladies had brought the Corgi for consultation. The Corgi had vomited for the past few days, esp. in the morning. Otherwise, she was normal. She had no fever. I felt the full stomach with my fingers. The Corgi shook her body and hunched her back when I touched a soft lump of around 5 cm in her stomach. It was not a great pain. Discomfort. What was this lump?

"Did she swallow something like a ping pong ball?" I asked. The young people did not think so. Was the full stomach her breakfast as this was in the morning. Was it a fermenting durian seed as the young man's mother recalled that the Corgi had grabbed a durian seed and swallowed it.

X-rays might not reveal the seed. So, it was conservative treatment and observation for the next 3 days.

I enquired about toilet training.

"This Cardigan Welsh Corgi is stubborn," a young lady stated. "She pees and poops outside the newspapers."

"The dog had grown up. Could the papers be too small in area?" I asked.

"Two pieces of the Singapore Straits Times were provided. She would step on the 2nd piece and eliminate outside the edge of the papers.

"I think she wants attention. We scold her for doing it."

"Yes, shouting is a negative reinforcement training. Shouting is better than no attention."

But I did not think that this dog would want to get attention as she was well cared for. It was hard to imagine how the toilet location was like. So, the owners drew a sketch of her toilet area. From what I saw, the probable reasons could be:

1. The toilet area was too small as the newspapers were side by side and she was against the side of the cabinet. She was facing the sink, one newspaper of 70 cm away. Maybe she did not want to walk right up to the first sheet next to the sink and position herself to eliminate on the second sheet. This could be a reason. Why? I don't know. Congested toilet area?

2. The urine smell may be on the 2nd sheet of the newspapers. So she stepped onto it but eliminated at the edge since she used only 1 sheet.

3. The owner did not change the soiled newspapers regularly. The first sheet could be soiled by urine and the dog disliked stepping on it.


1. White vinegar:water 1:2 to neutralise the toilet area.
2. Placed the second sheet of soiled newspaper near the sink.
3. Praise and give reward (food treat) when she performs. Or take her downstairs as a reward. That means, time must be spent on re-training. Perseverance as this make take some days.
4. Change the toilet location if possible.

I asked for feedback 3 months later. I doubt I will get it.


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